Life Path Number 33
A birth date that reduces down to 33 is very rare. When it does happen you may be looking at a great and significant spiritual leader along the lines of the Dalai Lama (Life Path 22) or Gandhi (Life Path 9). Remember that a 33 is also a 6 life path, a very nurturing and responsible number.
33 is the Master Teacher. This individual’s focus is on reaching the world and uplifting the loving energy of mankind. They are not concerned with personal ambition, and have great devotion to cause.
Life Path number 33 is signified by the word altruistic. This number has a high energy and is concerned with doing good in the world.
Those with Life Path number 33 want to use their life to raise the consciousness of as many people as possible. Their concern is the earth and all the people who live here. It’s really a beautiful life path number. This number is considered rare and few have it, but only if using the Pythagorean method of calculation.